Sunday, July 24, 2011

Phone-Clip - Pendant Phone for very busy people

British designer Josie Baker (Josie Baker) has decided that the most convenient gadget woman can come up with a woman - and created the concept of a perfect phone - Pendant Phone.

This phone-clip is designed to comfortably use mobile phones when your hands are busy cleaning, cooking, or desperately crying child. This devayse no cameras and players, e-mail and SMS-messaging, Bluetooth and Wi-faev, not to mention the Navigator browser and other "frills" that are crammed with all the new-fangled cell phones. Pendant Phone only has a large call button and the numbers to dial. By and large, this is quite enough, because the concept phone is designed for special situations.

As you know, phone calls are often distributed at the most inopportune moment, when the lady occupied or dirty hands. In this case, and need a big button to answer. Not much more pressing need to make in the case of the dial, if we use the function shortcuts. And so it was convenient Pendant Phone fasten the garment, the designer has provided a pair of magnets.