Saturday, December 20, 2008

China defends its own rights by blocking access to foreign sites

The Chinese authorities have reported that they would block access to sites that do not conform to laws of this country - despite a promise to give greater freedom of the media, that during the August Olympics.

Press Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Liu Dzhinchal reported that currently a large number of sites violate the laws of the country, so access to Chinese users will be blocked.

"Many sites violate certain laws of our country, and some resources are openly hostile to us. For example, a large number of resources, considering Taiwan as an independent country and not part of China. This is contrary to our laws, "- said Dzhinchal.

Will be blocked, many of those resources, access to which was opened during the Olympic Games. It seems that the "thaw" in China is over, and begins feedback. Chinese authorities have promised to block access to known resources, such as, for example, the Voice of America "in Chinese.

China, where the largest number of Internet users - 250 million, has already introduced a system of tracking nedozvolennuyu authorities, information on various resources, denying access to them.