Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Students will sell books on the Net

The new service CheapBooks was created specifically for American students who are experiencing financial difficulties in the acquisition of new books, and want to save, buying used books. It's no secret that the cost of textbooks in the United States is extremely high - not everyone can afford to buy each semester entirely new book.

Of course, you can always go to a nearby bookstore selling used books, but most of these stores to procure goods in limited quantities. In addition, textbooks, change more than one owner, does not take no student secondhand shop.

Service CheapBooks buying off virtually all textbooks in good condition. If any book can not be sold in one state, they always find a buyer in the neighboring state.

The most interesting feature CheapBooks is possible to calculate the benefits from the resale of a textbook on the site. In addition, the most economical, students can borrow books for rent for a specified period. Interestingly, when this service will be with us?