Saturday, December 20, 2008

Meebo "friends" with Facebook and MySpace

Service Meebo added a few new features - in particular, can now be used messangers Facebook and MySpace directly from your account in Meebo. Now from my account for this service, you can access all the main messenger including AIM, Yahoo, MSN, at the same time.

In addition, improved integration of the major social networks - Thémereau can get mixed list of all your contacts from the available services from Meboo.

Friends list can be sorted into groups, the ones belonging to one or another account. In fact, Meebo has become a universal "combine" for communication, solving long-standing problem of differentiation required the user to the contacts on different services - so you can chat with everyone, it was necessary to run a local client AIM, MSN, go to Facebook, MySpace.

Service Meebo has integrated all the top clients and services, providing an opportunity to communicate with the right people at the right time, connected to only one resource.