Saturday, December 20, 2008

Micro Blogging illustrated with Moodbox

He began his work a new service micro blogging a Moodbox, which allows to demonstrate their status is not short messages and pictures and photographs. Incidentally, even the images that the creators of the service is enabled by default, can extend more than 140 shades of mood.

To get started, download the software package (only under OS Windows). When you install the program itself tells what to do, and less than 10 seconds you will be able to work with the new program.

The options offered by the program is quite interesting - you can draw your own picture, choose one of cliparts or upload your own photos.

The illustrations, created using the service may be available on the vast quantity of resources: on a personal website, blog, social network Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, FriendFeed. To download an image created simply insert the provided service Moodbox code into your blog or post on account of social networks.

Of course, the service is not going to change the world, but the method of expressing their feelings, proposed by the sponsors, very original - and is likely to quickly pick up the popularity of the resource.