Monday, February 23, 2009

Samsung introduced two new compact cameras

Samsung introduced two new 12-megapixel camera, which will position them Masthead line of compact cameras to show PMA. Confirming previously reported data, TL320 (photo above) will be equipped with a 3-inch AMOLED-display with a resolution of 480 to 320 and the contrast level of 10 000:1, which allows to distinguish between good image even in daylight. In addition TL320 is equipped with two features that allows you to get battery, as well as the amount of available memory, without the inclusion of the screen. The camera is equipped with a 5-fold 24-mm wide angle lens and can record video with a resolution of 720p, as well as a feature removal flare, recognition of individuals and smiles.

TL-320 will be on sale at a price of 380 dollars in May. The second presentation of the model - HZ15W (pictured below) is equipped with a 10-fold 24-mm wide angle lens, but is equipped with a perfect 12-мегапиксельным sensor. Like the previous model, HZ15W able to identify the person / glare / smiles.