Saturday, February 14, 2009

Twitter Owners going monetized it's service

Biz Stone, founder of the service microblogging Twitter, recently said in an interview with the intention of the management to monetized it's service. In an interview with Marketing magazine Stone said: "We have noticed that Twitter is increasingly used not only individuals, but entire corporation. We would like to think about how to learn from this advantage and enter the commercial accounts. "

However, after some time, Biz Stone said in his blog that the interview was just "thinking aloud", but the Twitter has been, is and will remain free for both conventional as well as for corporate users.

"Now we hesitate about how to improve the profitability of those areas in which we both earn. At the same time, we do not intend to increase the cost of existing services. Nothing specific I can not tell, because our ideas on this subject is still very green, "- said Stone.

As is known, is now Twitter is very popular among entrepreneurs and corporations. For example, a company Dell has about 80 mikroblogov with the number of subscribers in the 11 thousand people. Guide Service has announced that only ads that are posted on Twitter, the company had $ 1 million profit.

The popularity of the service Twitter continues to grow - service has already been overtaken by the popularity of Digg, and Twitter traffic over the last year increased more than tenfold.